B. Lee Jones

B. Lee Jones

CIO leader and innovator actively seeking next success!
Joined on October 14, 2007
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B. Lee Jones was a 2002 recipient of the prestigious CIO 100 Award for his work in Enterprise Application Integration at Stratex. Lee is a widely published and quoted authority on Enterprise Application architecture/integration, computer and network security, international IT management, ISO17799 and Sarbanes-Oxley compliance and wireless telecommunications.

Lee has been a successful international technology consultant and has held senior IT management positions at Stratex Networks, Tandem Computers, Sierra Semiconductor Corp., United Technologies Microelectronics Center and Inmos Corporation.

Lee serves as an IT advisor and contributor to Information Week, CIO Magazine, CIO Insight and several other leading industry publications. Lee and his COB/CEO were featured in State of the CIO 2004. Lee has been a featured speaker at the Stanford GSB High Technology Conference, a featured speaker at the UCLA Anderson School of Management BIT Conference, a featured speaker on CIO Talk Radio and featured in the debut of http://www.myglobalcareer.com and a featured panelist at the CIO Breakfast Briefing at NGDC 2007.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by B. Lee Jones on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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