Glenn Manishin

Glenn Manishin

Hi-Tech Lawyer
Joined on March 27, 2008
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Glenn B Manishin is a partner with the Washington, DC office of Duane Morris LLP. A pioneer in the synthesis of law and public policy for technology companies, Glenn has practiced at the convergence of antitrust, IT law and telecom regulation for more than two decades, from United States v. AT&T to United States v. Microsoft and beyond. Among other notable matters, Glenn successfully defended Netscape in the first reported antitrust lawsuit arising from Internet advertising, served as appellate counsel for the Project to Promote Competition and Innovation in the Digital Age (ProComp)—together with former Judges Robert Bork and Ken Starr—in opposing the government’s antitrust settlement with Microsoft and, more recently, was lead counsel for CCIA in a landmark federal appeal challenging the FCC’s authority to regulate VoIP services and providers.

Glenn has participated in virtually all of the most important regulatory, judicial and legislative proceedings affecting telecommunications and the Internet for the past two decades. His clients have over the years comprised a veritable who’s who roster of the IT industry leadership, among them MCI, Netscape, Oracle, Google, Excite@Home, RIAA, Tellme, Echelon, EMusic, Travelocity, Winstar, Siebel, Sling Media and others.

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