David P. Reed

David P. Reed

Joined on May 14, 2008
Total Post Views: 24,387


Dr. David P. Reed enjoys architecting the information space in which people, groups and organizations interact. He is well known as a pioneer in the design and construction of the Internet protocols, distributed data storage, and PC software systems and applications.

He is co-inventor of the end-to-end argument, often called the fundamental architectural principle of the Internet.

Recently, he discovered Reed’s Law, a scaling law for group-forming network architectures. Along with Metcalfe’s Law, Reed’s Law has significant implications for large-scale network business models.

His current areas of personal research are focused on densely scalable, mobile, and robust RF network architectures and highly decentralized systems architectures.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by David P. Reed on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


Topic Interests

BroadbandWirelessAccess ProvidersWhite SpaceTelecomInternet GovernanceLawPolicy & Regulation

Recent Blogs

Does the Internet Need “Governance”?

What the Internet Is, and Should Continue to Be

White Space for Internet Use Interfering with Wireless Patient Devices?

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What the Internet Is, and Should Continue to Be

Does the Internet Need “Governance”?

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