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Pedro Garcia Lopez

Joined on June 27, 2008
Total Post Views: 40,989


Pedro Garcia is professor at the Computer Engineering and Mathematics Department at the University Rovira i Virgili (Spain). He obtained his PhD in 2003 in the University of Murcia about Collaborative Distributed Systems under the guidance of Antonio F. Gomez Skarmeta. During his PhD he also worked in the University of Ghent (Belgium) with Hans Vangheluwe and in Fraunhofer-FIT Bonn (Germany) with Wolfgang Appelt (BSCW team). His research topics are distributed systems, peer-to-peer, software architectures and middleware and collaborative environments. He has published more than 50 papers and participated in several spanish and european research projects. He currently leads in Tarragona the “Architectures and Telematic Services” research group and coordinates the URV team in the project IST-POPEYE (Peer-to-Peer collaborative Working environments over Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks) and P2PGRID (Self-Adjusting P2P and Grid Systems).

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Pedro Garcia Lopez on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2008 - Jul 09 on The SocialDNS Project... and Why DNS is Not the Phone Book of the Internet
2008 - Jul 07 on The SocialDNS Project... and Why DNS is Not the Phone Book of the Internet
2008 - Jul 04 on The SocialDNS Project... and Why DNS is Not the Phone Book of the Internet
2008 - Jul 04 on The SocialDNS Project... and Why DNS is Not the Phone Book of the Internet

Topic Interests

DNSNew TLDsDomain NamesInternet GovernanceWebCloud ComputingICANN

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