Matthew T. Sanderson

Matthew T. Sanderson

Joined on May 1, 2009
Total Post Views: 20,314


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“.Pol”, a “.Com” for Political Candidates

In the coming months, ICANN will ambitiously expand the number of top-level domains (TLDs). ICANN could add ".movie" and ".paris", among others, to the existing ranks of ".com", ".org", ".gov", and ".edu". Here's another they should consider: a new ".pol" TLD that is reserved exclusively for political candidates and entities. A ".pol" TLD is needed to alleviate problems linked to a now-common phenomenon called political cybersquatting... more

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LawNew TLDsDomain NamesInternet GovernanceDomain ManagementRegistry ServicesICANN

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“.Pol”, a “.Com” for Political Candidates