M. Brooke Oberwetter

M. Brooke Oberwetter

Communications Consultant, Arts+Labs
Joined on June 18, 2009
Total Post Views: 6,251


Brooke Oberwetter joined DC Signal as a communications consultant in October of 2008 after serving as manager of strategic communications at the United States Telecom Association. Prior to joining USTelecom, she was a policy analyst at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. While at CEI, Brooke appeared on numerous radio and television programs, including programs on FoxNews and NBC. Her writing has appeared in the Washington Post, Washington Times, Seattle Times, San Jose Mercury News,  and The Hill, as well as the online sites of Reason magazine, National Review, and The American Spectator.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by M. Brooke Oberwetter on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


Topic Interests

CybersecurityP2PCybercrimeBrand Protection

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No Honor Among Thieves on the Internet

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No Honor Among Thieves on the Internet