Keith Oborn

Keith Oborn

Joined on September 3, 2009
Total Post Views: 7,004


Keith has a Master’s degree in Physics from Oxford University, with a subsequent history in the computing, networking and image processing fields spanning 30 years. In particular, he has long experience in customer-facing roles from field engineering and support to user interface design. Since 1990 he has filled various roles in the Internet industry, both in large and small service providers. He has worked in positions including technical architecture and strategy for large and small software vendors as well as in professional services, system architecture and product management, for products in the infrastructure and content networking fields. In his free time outside work he spends his time on property restoration, skiing.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Keith Oborn on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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Leveraging DNS for Subscriber Loyalty

There has been a lot of talk about how the DNS can provide network-based security, and how DNS is in the best position to detect malware traffic before it does any harm. But what does this mean for end users? How does it make their online lives easier and more secure? DNS servers that are aware of sites that host malware, perform phishing activities (harvesting bank details, for instance) and other nefarious misbehaviors, can prevent end users from ever going to those sites. more

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DNSAccess ProvidersCybersecurityMalwareEmail

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Leveraging DNS for Subscriber Loyalty