Steve Atkins

Steve Atkins

Founding partner of anti-spam consultancy & software firm Word to the Wise
Joined on November 23, 2009
Total Post Views: 69,498


Steve Atkins is a founding partner of the anti-spam consultancy and software firm Word to the Wise. I develop high-performance ticketing software for ISP abuse desks and ESP feedback loop handling. I also work with MAAWG and the IETF to develop the next generation of email protocols, and help email senders to understand and deploy them. I also provide technical and forensic assistance to lawyers and law enforcement in email and other internet related cases.

Prior to founding Word to the Wise, Steve was a system architect for UltraDNS, a distributed DNS service serving a number of top level domains and large companies and prior to that a microprocessor designer.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Steve Atkins on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


Topic Interests

CybersecuritySpamEmailThreat IntelligenceCyberattackCybercrimeMalwareDDoS Attack

Recent Blogs

A Look at the Origins of Network Email

More Denial of Service Attacks Gets You Blocked

Defending Against the Hackers of 1995

Real. Or. Phish?

Popular Posts

A Look at the Origins of Network Email Gets You Blocked

Real. Or. Phish?

More Denial of Service Attacks

Defending Against the Hackers of 1995