Branko Miskov

Branko Miskov

Director of Product Management at BlueCat Networks
Joined on May 21, 2010
Total Post Views: 8,055


Branko Miskov is a globally recognized IPAM, DNS and DHCP thought leader. A networking industry veteran, Miskov is responsible for driving the development and release of all BlueCat Networks IPAM, DNS and DHCP products.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Branko Miskov on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

Take IP Address Management Seriously; Your Business Depends on It

Let's start by stating the obvious: All business communications depend on IP addresses. Without an IP address, you simply can't communicate over the network. No IP address means no access to your email server, no access to your website, and no cell phone or VoIP access. So much for the new VoIP system installed last month. What does that mean to you? more

Topic Interests

IPv6 Transition IPv4 MarketsNetworks

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