Greg Reber

Greg Reber

CEO of AsTech Consulting
Joined on June 30, 2010
Total Post Views: 21,972


Greg Reber is a pioneer in the information security field and among the first to recognize and address the risks presented by consumer-facing applications.

Greg launched San Francisco-based AsTech Consulting in 1997 with a major financial services company as his primary client.  Since then, Greg has built a roster of Fortune 1000 clients including financial services companies and retail service providers – companies that depend on bullet-proof information security solutions.

Greg and other AsTech professionals hold security clearances and currently perform work for the U.S. government.

When Greg is not helping clients, he is playing bass with his band, the Bankrupt Sugar Daddies or driving his Acura NSX at the track.  He has an engineering degree from the University of Maryland.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Greg Reber on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.
