Bruce Young

Bruce Young

Senior Desktop Support Analyst
Joined on June 14, 2003
Total Post Views: 70,560


Bruce Young is a senior desktop support analyst for a Fortune 500 company, a founding member and former Executive Panel member of ICANNATLARGE.ORG, and has been an active member of the At Large movement since its inception in February 2000. Bruce currently edits and maintains the Web site, devoted to “commentary on news events that concern the intersection of technology, law, politics and the freedoms granted to citizens by the US Constitution.”


Topic Interests

DNSDomain NamesICANNPrivacyNew TLDsInternet GovernanceWhoisDomain ManagementCybercrimeLawUDRP

Recent Blogs

Al’s Story: Another Small Domain Holder Falls Victim to Flawed ICANN Policy

Examining Stuart Lynn’s Domain Name Plans - Part II

Examining Stuart Lynn’s Domain Name Plans - Part I

ICANN at Large Shanghais The At-Large Conversation

The At-Large: An Insider’s View

Popular Posts

Al’s Story: Another Small Domain Holder Falls Victim to Flawed ICANN Policy

Examining Stuart Lynn’s Domain Name Plans - Part II

ICANN at Large Shanghais The At-Large Conversation

Examining Stuart Lynn’s Domain Name Plans - Part I

The At-Large: An Insider’s View