Sam Dickinson

Sam Dickinson

Internet governance consultant & writer
Joined on August 6, 2010
Total Post Views: 41,749


Samantha Dickinson is a writer and public affairs consultant who specializes in Internet governance analysis, development and representation of stakeholder positions in multi-stakeholder Internet-oriented discussions. Over the past decade, she has gained wide experience in:

<li>Representing the technical Internet community positions in Internet governance forums</li>
<li>Developing technical community positions for intergovernmental Internet-related forums (particularly ITU and CSTD)</li>
<li>Writing and editing Internet governance and technical documentation</li>
<li>Supporting the community’s efforts to develop Internet policy, from helping community members develop their policy ideas into written proposals, through to the community consensus-building phase, and finally through to implementation</li>

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Sam Dickinson on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2013 - Jul 23 on The Importance of Contributing to the ITU CWG-Internet Open Consultation by 1 August 2013
2013 - Jul 22 on The Importance of Contributing to the ITU CWG-Internet Open Consultation by 1 August 2013
2010 - Dec 01 on ITU, the Internet, and a Very Contentious Footnote
2010 - Aug 06 on A Look at IPv6 Allocations Since 1999