Steve Stolfi

Steve Stolfi

VP of Global Partnerships at CT Corsearch
Joined on August 9, 2010
Total Post Views: 26,473


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Brand Owners Hold Their Breath With New gTLD ?“Reveal Day” Delay

It has been quite a rollercoaster the past couple of weeks with the new gTLD application period ending on April 12th coupled with the suspension of the TLD Application System (TAS) due to a technical glitch. With over 1,200 applicants for new gTLDs confirmed by ICANN in the system, and the possibility of thousands of new gTLD applications to be published on "reveal day" brand owners have been holding their breath on the status of their applications. more

Google Instant - Great for Top Internet Brands

In late September Google introduced Google Instant, an auto-complete algorithm that assists users in searching with greater speed. Google's new service predicts search queries in real time, can catch a mistake if the user mistyped and guides users to previously performed searches. This new service greatly benefits top brands on the Internet and those that have purchased key words and ad words; while it might not be as beneficial for companies with low website traffic or those that are not well known. more

Want a New gTLD? Some Items to Consider

Over three years ago ICANN boldly announced that the top level of the domain name system would be opened up to new registry operators. As we now approach a likely spring 2011 launch, a number of key issues remain unresolved including how trademarks will be protected. more

Topic Interests

New TLDsDomain NamesPolicy & RegulationDomain ManagementRegistry ServicesICANNWeb

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Want a New gTLD? Some Items to Consider

Brand Owners Hold Their Breath With New gTLD ?“Reveal Day” Delay

Google Instant - Great for Top Internet Brands