Murat Bilgic

Murat Bilgic

Principal - WirelessE2E LLC
Joined on September 16, 2010
Total Post Views: 10,253


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IPv6 for Mobile Networks: Time to Act Now!

Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) serve the largest constituent of connected devices. There are over 4.6B GSM (and its derivatives) subscriptions today. When you add the CDMA family along with technologies with smaller footprints such as WiMax, IDEN to this list, that number tops 5B mark. On the other hand there are only (yes only!) 800M Internet hosts per ISC. Considering such a small percentage of those 5B or so devices are capable of being an Internet host and out of that percentage even a much smaller percentage is connected at a given time, one can understand the sheer potential of explosion in the number of Internet hosts as mobile devices in the next 3-5 years. more

Topic Interests

IPv6 Transition IPv4 MarketsWirelessMobile InternetNetworks

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IPv6 for Mobile Networks: Time to Act Now!