Patrick Lightbody

Patrick Lightbody

Director of Product Management at Neustar
Joined on February 28, 2011
Total Post Views: 15,559


Patrick joined Neustar Webmetrics as the Director of Product Management after his startup, BrowserMob, was acquired in July 2010. BrowserMob provides low-cost, self-service, cloud-based products that help monitoring and test the performance of modern web sites. Patrick is an avid open source contributor, having founded OpenQA, developed Selenium Remote Control, and co-created Struts 2. Prior to founding BrowserMob, he was the senior Product Manager at Gomez, running the QA Solutions product group. Before that, he founded HostedQA, an automated web-testing platform acquired by Gomez in 2007. Patrick has held management and software engineering positions with Jive Software, Spoke Software, and Cisco Systems.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Patrick Lightbody on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


Topic Interests

Internet ProtocolWebCloud ComputingWirelessMobile Internet

Recent Blogs

Are You Ready for the Mobile Revolution?

Transparency Comes to Load Testing via the Cloud

Popular Posts

Are You Ready for the Mobile Revolution?

Transparency Comes to Load Testing via the Cloud