Ricardo Oliveira

Ricardo Oliveira

Co-founder and CTO, ThousandEyes
Joined on April 7, 2011
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Ricardo is the creator of Cyclops (http://cyclops.cs.ucla.edu), a project to detect attacks to the Internet routing infrastructure such as the one that brought youtube.com down in Pakistan in 2008. Cyclops has currently thousands of registered users. Excited by the reaction of the community to Cyclops, Ricardo co-founded ThousandEyes (http://www.thousandeyes.com). ThousandEyes is the “google analytics” for network infrastructure, delivering enterprise solutions to optimize the availability, performance and security of web applications and services. Ricardo is an evangelist for the lean startup way, a philosophy to start software companies based on customer development and discovery, constant and fast product iterations and adoption of agile methodologies in software development. He holds a Phd in Computer Science from UCLA.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Ricardo Oliveira on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


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