Christopher Ambler

Christopher Ambler

Chief Software Strategist
Joined on July 22, 2003
Total Post Views: 33,256


Christopher Ambler is a Senior Architect and Evangelist at GoDaddy who writes sleek, performant, low-overhead Java and Scala code. In his copious spare time he can be found playing poker or listening to progressive music not in 4/4 time. He recently relocated to sunny California from Seattle.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Christopher Ambler on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2016 - Nov 08 on Afilias' Cynical Attempt to Secure a Windfall at Community Expense
2015 - Feb 28 on With .APP, ICANN's Auction Piggy Bank Just Got Even Bigger
2014 - Oct 14 on Building a Better WHOIS for the Individual Registrant
2014 - Oct 12 on Building a Better WHOIS for the Individual Registrant
2006 - Jan 17 on Ask Vint Cerf: The Road Ahead for Top-Level Domains
2004 - Dec 22 on Engineers on TLDs: Do You Want Me With Fries?
2004 - Dec 21 on Engineers on TLDs: Do You Want Me With Fries?
2004 - Dec 21 on Engineers on TLDs: Do You Want Me With Fries?
2004 - Dec 21 on Reaction to New Top Level Domains
2004 - Dec 04 on Cornucopia: A Radically Different Approach to TLDs
2004 - Dec 04 on Cornucopia: A Radically Different Approach to TLDs
2004 - Dec 03 on Cornucopia: A Radically Different Approach to TLDs
2004 - Dec 03 on The Accountable Net: Who Should Be Accountable?
2004 - Apr 16 on New TLD Public Comments: Jumping-to-Conclusions?
2004 - Mar 13 on New Mobile Domain Another Bad Idea
2004 - Mar 04 on Questioning Innovation: An Interview with Bob Parsons
2003 - Nov 08 on Bad Journalism, IPv6, and the BBC
2003 - Nov 07 on An Unsanctioned Whois Database
2003 - Nov 05 on .Pro Asking for Second-Level Domains (Again)
2003 - Nov 05 on .Pro Asking for Second-Level Domains (Again)
2003 - Aug 30 on SnapNames: Why the WLS is Better for Consumers
2003 - Jul 22 on SnapNames: Why the WLS is Better for Consumers

Topic Interests

DNSNew TLDsDomain NamesRegistry ServicesICANNCybersecuritySpamWhoisIPv6 Transition IPv4 MarketsInternet ProtocolRegional RegistriesNetworksPolicy & RegulationMobile InternetTelecomDomain ManagementCybercrimeMultilinguismPrivacy

Recent Blogs

New TLD Public Comments: Jumping-to-Conclusions?

.Pro Asking for Second-Level Domains (Again)

Popular Posts

.Pro Asking for Second-Level Domains (Again)

New TLD Public Comments: Jumping-to-Conclusions?