Christopher Ambler

Christopher Ambler

Chief Software Strategist
Joined on July 22, 2003
Total Post Views: 33,705


Christopher Ambler is a Senior Architect and Evangelist at GoDaddy who writes sleek, performant, low-overhead Java and Scala code. In his copious spare time he can be found playing poker or listening to progressive music not in 4/4 time. He recently relocated to sunny California from Seattle.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Christopher Ambler on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

New TLD Public Comments: Jumping-to-Conclusions?

Having been involved in the whole TLD issue since its inception, back in the ancient history of the mid-1990's, one would think that nothing would surprise me anymore. As it turns out, however, watching the comments on ICANN's public comment list with respect to the new sTLD proposals, I find that I'm taken-back by some of the kinds of comments I'm seeing. more

.Pro Asking for Second-Level Domains (Again)

In a Message from RegistryPro Advisory Board to Tina Dam on 24 October 2003, it is noted that .Pro is, again, asking ICANN to allow for the registration of 2nd level domains. I am, again, of mixed opinion on this. On the one hand, a registry should be able to do what it wants, within reason. This clearly falls into that category. On the other hand, .Pro has been denied once already on the grounds that registering 2nd level domains is not the proposal upon which they were approved in the "testbed" procedure of November 2000. more