Michael Meisel

Michael Meisel

Chief Architect at ThousandEyes
Joined on April 7, 2011
Total Post Views: 124,618


Michael Meisel is the Chief Architect at ThousandEyes. With his expertise in large-scale distributed systems, Michael has been instrumental in the design and implementation of the technology behind the ThousandEyes platform. Michael received his Ph.D. in Computer Science with a focus in computer networks from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2011. He received his Bachelor’s degree (also in Computer Science) from the University of California, Berkeley in 2003. Between his two stints as a student, Michael served as Senior Software Engineer at Inveneo, Inc., a non-profit organization, where he developed and deployed information and communications technology for the developing world.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Michael Meisel on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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Top Public DNS Resolvers Compared

At ThousandEyes, we've always been curious about the performance of various public DNS resolvers -- especially since Google threw their hat in the ring back in 2009. We satisfied our curiosity this week, so we thought we'd share the results. Here's how we did it. more

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