Richard Donaldson

Richard Donaldson

CEO of 6connect
Joined on April 18, 2011
Total Post Views: 194,048


Richard Donaldson is the CEO & Co-Founder of 6connect, a leading Network Automation company located in Palo Alto, California. 6connect’s suite of Network Automation tools were built by network engineers for network engineers emphasizing IPv6 implementations. For more information about Richard or 6connect please visit

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Richard Donaldson on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2012 - Mar 20 on Internet Accounting for 4.7% of U.S. Economy
2011 - Dec 06 on Borders, In Bankruptcy, Aims To Sell 65,536 IPv4 Addresses at $12/Address
2011 - Dec 06 on Borders, In Bankruptcy, Aims To Sell 65,536 IPv4 Addresses at $12/Address
2011 - Dec 06 on Borders, In Bankruptcy, Aims To Sell 65,536 IPv4 Addresses at $12/Address
2011 - Jun 21 on Domain Names Without Dots
2011 - Jun 16 on World First: Merger of a Telco and a Power Company
2011 - Jun 13 on RFC 1918 Address Space: Why It Was Needed then and How It Will Change in IPv6!
2011 - Jun 09 on Using Domain Filtering To Effect IP Address Filtering