Brad Templeton

Brad Templeton

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Boardmember, Entrepreneur and Technologist
Joined on September 17, 2003
Total Post Views: 151,843


Brad Templeton was founder and publisher at ClariNet Communications Corp., the #1 internet-based electronic newspaper publisher, until selling it to Newsedge Corporation. in 1997. He has been active in the computer network community since 1979, participated in the building and growth of USENET from its earliest days—including being one of the first to set up an international link—and in 1987 he founded and edited a special edited USENET conference devoted to comedy. This newsgroup, named “rec.humor.funny” became the most widely read computerized conference in the world, demonstrating the popularity and marketability of edited information.

Templeton was the first employee of Personal Software/Visicorp, which was the first major microcomputer applications software company. He is also the author of a dozen packaged microcomputer software products, including VisiPlot for the IBM-PC, the compressor in Stuffit—the world’s most widely used Macintosh application, various games, popular tools and utilities for Commodore computers, special Pascal and Basic programming environments (ALICE) designed for education, an add-in spreadsheet compiler (3-2-1 Blastoff) for Lotus 1-2-3 (picked by PC World as one of the top software products of 1987) and various network related software tools. 

He is on the the Board of the EFF, the leading foundation protecting liberties and privacy in cyberspace. (He was chairman from 2000 to 2010.)

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Brad Templeton on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2010 - Aug 28 on Network Neutrality in the Wireless Space
2010 - Aug 27 on Network Neutrality in the Wireless Space
2010 - Aug 26 on Network Neutrality in the Wireless Space
2010 - Aug 26 on Network Neutrality in the Wireless Space
2006 - Mar 08 on The Future of Some Email May Not Use Email
2006 - Mar 08 on The Future of Some Email May Not Use Email
2006 - Mar 08 on The Future of Some Email May Not Use Email
2006 - Mar 08 on The Future of Some Email May Not Use Email
2006 - Mar 08 on The Future of Some Email May Not Use Email
2006 - Mar 07 on The Future of Some Email May Not Use Email
2006 - Mar 07 on The Future of Some Email May Not Use Email
2006 - Feb 16 on Internet Governance: An Antispam Perspective
2005 - Nov 18 on WSIS and the Splitting of the Root
2005 - Nov 16 on WSIS and the Splitting of the Root
2005 - Nov 16 on WSIS and the Splitting of the Root
2005 - Nov 15 on WSIS and the Splitting of the Root
2004 - Dec 04 on Cornucopia: A Radically Different Approach to TLDs
2004 - Dec 04 on Cornucopia: A Radically Different Approach to TLDs
2004 - Mar 18 on New Mobile Domain Another Bad Idea
2004 - Mar 18 on New Mobile Domain Another Bad Idea
2004 - Mar 18 on New Mobile Domain Another Bad Idea
2004 - Mar 17 on New Mobile Domain Another Bad Idea
2004 - Mar 17 on New Mobile Domain Another Bad Idea
2004 - Mar 17 on New Mobile Domain Another Bad Idea
2004 - Mar 17 on New Mobile Domain Another Bad Idea
2004 - Mar 17 on New Mobile Domain Another Bad Idea
2004 - Mar 13 on New Mobile Domain Another Bad Idea

Topic Interests

DNSDomain NamesCybersecuritySpamICANNThreat IntelligenceNew TLDsMobile InternetTelecomPrivacyCyberattackCybercrimeDDoS AttackVoIPP2PIPTVWebBroadbandWirelessPolicy & RegulationNet NeutralityDomain ManagementInternet GovernanceEmail

Recent Blogs

Network Neutrality in the Wireless Space

Reflections on the 20th Anniversary of the Dot-Com

Are Botnets Run by Spy Agencies?

Give Us TVoIP, Not IPTV

WSIS and the Splitting of the Root

Popular Posts

New Mobile Domain Another Bad Idea

WSIS and the Splitting of the Root

Brad Templeton in Response to Site Finder Controversy

Are Botnets Run by Spy Agencies?

Give Us TVoIP, Not IPTV