Howard Dean

Howard Dean

US Democratic Presidential Candidate
Joined on October 1, 2003
Total Post Views: 11,565


Howard Dean, a physician and a five-time Governor of Vermont, resigned as the governor to pursue the Democratic presidential nomination for the 2004 election. He received his B.A. from Yale University in 1971 and his medical degree from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City in 1978. He served in the Vermont House from 1982 to 1986, was elected lieutenant governor in 1986, and became governor in 1991. Deans official weblog can be visited at

Photo by “John Pettitt /”

Featured Blogs

Principles for Internet Policy

Of all the candidates for the Democratic nomination, Howard Dean raised the most amount of money over the Internet. On March 15th, the Dean campaign launched the first official weblog in presidential campaign history, six days after Dean himself first stumped in the blogosphere. What follows are Dean's principles for Internet Policy.

This nation -- and not just this nation -- needs to have an honest conversation about what's real, possible and desirable when it comes to the gift of the Internet. Conversations need shared ground. Here are the beliefs we think should guide the development of a fact-based federal policy. We put these forward as part of a continuing Great American Conversation. more

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Policy & RegulationInternet GovernanceNet NeutralityWebTelecom

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Principles for Internet Policy