Erin Bush

Erin Bush

Managing Editor at Neustar
Joined on May 17, 2012
Total Post Views: 10,465


Erin Bush is the Managing Editor of Neustar Insights. She blogs about big data, social media, STEM and other industry trends.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Erin Bush on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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So/Lo/Mo for Business

Lest you think the social + local + mobile (So/Lo/Mo) trend is just a fad, last week, Pew Internet released a new report that found that 18 percent of smartphone owners use a geosocial service to check in and share their location with friends. The report also found that 74 percent of smartphone owners get real-time location-based information on their phones -- up from 55 percent last May. Add to these impressive stats the finding from earlier this year... more

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So/Lo/Mo for Business

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So/Lo/Mo for Business