Chris Grundemann

Chris Grundemann

Joined on June 2, 2012
Total Post Views: 375,444


Chris Grundemann is a passionate, creative technologist and a strong believer in technology’s power to aid in the betterment of humankind. In his current role as Managing Director at Grundemann Technology Solutions he is expressing that passion by helping technology businesses grow and by helping any business grow with technology.

Chris has been using technology, marketing, and strategy to build businesses and non-profit organizations for two decades. He holds 8 patents in network technology and is the author of two books, an IETF RFC, a personal weblog, and a multitude of industry papers, articles, and posts.

Chris is the lead research analyst for all networking and security topics at GigaOm and is the co-host of Utilizing AI the Enterprise AI podcast. He is also a co-founder and Vice-President of IX-Denver and Chair of the Open-IX Marketing committee. Chris has given presentations in 34 countries on 5 continents and is often sought out to speak at conferences, NOGs, and NOFs the world over.

Currently based in West Texas, Chris can be reached via Twitter.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Chris Grundemann on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2015 - Feb 17 on IPv6 Security Myth #5: Privacy Addresses Fix Everything!
2015 - Jan 26 on IPv6 Security Myth #2: IPv6 Has Security Designed In
2013 - Jun 05 on Removing Need at RIPE
2013 - May 28 on Removing Need at RIPE
2013 - May 28 on Removing Need at RIPE
2013 - May 27 on Removing Need at RIPE
2013 - May 25 on Removing Need at RIPE
2013 - Jan 06 on To Flat or To Cap?
2012 - Jul 31 on IPv6 Subnetting - The Paradigm Shift
2012 - Jul 21 on IPv6 Subnetting - The Paradigm Shift

Topic Interests

IPv6 Transition IPv4 MarketsInternet ProtocolWhoisCybersecurityPolicy & RegulationInternet GovernanceRegional RegistriesCybercrimeThreat IntelligenceNetworksBroadbandAccess ProvidersCyberattackTelecomData CenterMultilinguismNet NeutralityMobile InternetPrivacyWebCloud ComputingIPTV

Recent Blogs

Network Dis-Aggregation and SDN: Different, But Related

Building the Future of Enterprise - Notes from AWS re:Invent 2016

The Shadow of the Web

IPv6 Security Myth #10: Deploying IPv6 is Too Risky

IPv6 Security Myth #9: There Aren’t Any IPv6 Security Resources

Popular Posts

IPv6 Subnetting - The Paradigm Shift

Removing Need at RIPE

IPv6 Security Myth #5: Privacy Addresses Fix Everything!

IPv6 Security Myth #10: Deploying IPv6 is Too Risky

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