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Marília Maciel

Executive Manager and researcher - Center for Technology and Society - FGV
Joined on July 28, 2013
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Executive Manager and researcher of the Center for Technology and Society of FGV Law School (Brazil). Invited professor in several courses at FGV, such as the course on Intellectual Property Law (undergraduate), the LLM Litigation (specialization) and the MBA in Cultural Management. Also taught classes in the Information Society module in the Jean Monnet Chair (FGV Law School). Lecturer and a tutor in courses offered by DiploFoundation, such as the Internet Governance Capacity Building Programme, the course on Global Normes against terrorism (in partnership with UNODC), and the course on E-diplomacy. Member of the Working Group on improvements to the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), created under the auspices of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development (UN CSTD). Speaker at the opening session of 15th CSTD meeting. Representative of CTS / FGV in meetings of the Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) of the World Intellectual Property Organization (2009-2011). Member of the Advisory Board on Internet security, created under the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee.

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