John Mack

John Mack

Technical Writer
Joined on November 11, 2013
Total Post Views: 6,334


About John- John Mack is a technical writer for Datarealm,  one of the oldest web hosting companies. You can follow Datarealm on Twitter, @datarealm, Like them on Facebook, and check out more of their web hosting articles on their blog,

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by John Mack on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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Why Mid-Sized Businesses That Embrace the Cloud See Improved Revenues

According to a recent study from IBM, mid-sized businesses that embrace cloud technology see nearly double the revenue and increased profit growth compared to their more hesitant peers. The study, which included 800 leading global IT professionals, found that the 20% of organizations that had committed more resources to the cloud were reaping significant cost-cutting advantages and improved levels of efficiency. more

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Cloud Computing

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