Jason Du

Jason Du

CEO?Stable Tone Limited (???????)
Joined on March 3, 2014
Total Post Views: 10,943


Jason Du is the CEO of Stable Tone Limited (???????). A graduate of leading engineering universities Tsinghua (China) and U.C. Berkeley (USA), Du is an active Internet entrepreneur. For the past 16 years, he has successfully built niche and upscale brands in the U.S. and China by combining an in-depth knowledge of the Internet with a comprehensive understanding of brand marketing and development. His latest venture, Stable Tone, is the registry for the top level domain “.??“ (Dot.World). Stable Tone’s TLD focus is on providing global brands with powerful enhancement and advertising tools for the greater China market. Du’s extensive brand development expertise is also evident in his role as co-producer of the upcoming weekly TV documentary “The Road to World Famous Brands”. The series examines the history of global brands and their potential for future growth. Du’s co-producer has just won China’s Creative Recognition Award for the previous documentary they produced.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Jason Du on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

AdDomains: A New Weapon for Traditional Advertising

ICANN's new gTLD program was designed in part to boost innovation. The thinking was: give people the canvas and let them paint in new and fascinating ways, with no set direction... and paint they will. Now that the new gTLD dream has become reality, new uses and business models are already emerging to prove this theory correct. One of the industries in which new gTLD innovation is making itself felt is traditional advertising. This is a sector that has been turned upside down by the Internet revolution of the last decade. more

Topic Interests

New TLDsDomain NamesMultilinguismWeb

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AdDomains: A New Weapon for Traditional Advertising