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Justin Everett-Church

Professional Flash Developer & Author
Joined on November 12, 2003
Total Post Views: 18,045


My name is Justin Everett-Church. I’m a Flash game developer living in the San Francisco Bay area. Currently I work for Yahoo! developing IMVironments for Yahoo? Instant Messenger.

Even when no working on Interactive toys and games, I’m often still thinking about flash. I’ve co-authored 3 books on the subject (which you can learn more about by driving over to the library). I also can oftem be found chatting in IRC, on efNet channel #flashHelp. Several of the houses in the neighborhood belong to my friends from there.

When no thinking about Flash at all, I love playing computer games, reading books, hanging out with friends, and playing with Flash…oh, wait, I said no Flash… hmm.


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DNSDomain NamesCybersecurityRegistry ServicesThreat Intelligence

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VeriSign’s New Security Seal Too Trusting?