Steve Jones

Steve Jones

Consultant - Programmer - Strategist
Joined on May 24, 2014
Total Post Views: 29,931


In February 2015 Jones took on the role of Executive Director of, an initiative of the Trusted Domain Project. Prior to that, he spent nine years as an architect, strategist, and manager at Bank of America where his responsibilities included messaging, the social enterprise and online collaboration tools. He has participated in Internet standards efforts and spoken at MAAWG, RSA, SANS, and USENIX conferences.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Steve Jones on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2015 - Jan 03 on Email Vendors: Time to Build in DMARC

Topic Interests


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End-to-End Email Encryption - This Time For Sure?

Who Is Sending Email As Your Company?

Email Vendors: Time to Build in DMARC

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End-to-End Email Encryption - This Time For Sure?

Email Vendors: Time to Build in DMARC

Who Is Sending Email As Your Company?