Molly Burke

Molly Burke

Associate at FairWinds Partners
Joined on June 11, 2014
Total Post Views: 7,134


Molly uses her extensive knowledge of ICANN regulations and procedures, as well as the domain name space, to advise both new gTLD applicants and non-applicants on how to best adapt their businesses to the changing online world. She specializes in helping companies identify the best strategies based on their individual budgeting needs. Molly earned a B.A. in History from Georgetown University, where she also minored in English.

Molly has conducted extensive research and is one of FairWinds’ authorities on the subject of new gTLD application acquisitions. She has worked with clients to optimize their domain name portfolios, which often include over 4,000 domains. Molly advises three members of the Fortune 500 on how to use domain names to effectively and efficiently promote and protect their brands online.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Molly Burke on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

How to Turn a Closed Generic gTLD Into a Restricted One

As the New gTLD Program has rolled out over the course of the past few years, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has made a number of program changes along the way. One of these changes disallows closed, generic gTLD applications, such as Amazon's application for .BOOK. Now, applicants for closed generics must decide how to proceed: whether to open their generic strings to the public, limit registrations to a defined portion of the public, withdraw the application, or sell it. more

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New TLDsRegistry Services

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How to Turn a Closed Generic gTLD Into a Restricted One