Product Management Director, Registry Services at Neustar
Joined on July 18, 2014
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One of the ever-present questions in the domain name community is "have new TLDs been a success in the marketplace?" As many within the industry will appreciate, it's a difficult question to answer using traditional metrics (such as domain registration volumes), and it is important to remember that the new TLD expansion in 2012 was all about diversity, competition and choice. more
Let's go to the scoreboard. There are 1751 applications for new top-level domains. Nearly 1/3 (635) are brands. The rest are generics (e.g. .Buzz) and geographies (e.g .NYC). So, brands are definitely interested in new TLDs - and a handful of major industries have jumped into the lead. If you're in any of those verticals, it's time to pay attention. Your competitors may be giving your customers new ways to reach out, learn and buy from them. more