Arpan Ganguli

Arpan Ganguli

Graduate Student at The London School of Economics and Political Science
Joined on November 29, 2014
Total Post Views: 29,414


Graduate Student of Media and Communications at The London School of Economics and Political Science. I am deeply interested in Internet Policy, esp. with respect to Copyright, Privacy and Surveillance.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Arpan Ganguli on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

Active and Passive Internet of Things

"The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it." -Mark Weiser ...The Internet of Things is a step in this very direction. And like all things new and mysterious, it has its fair share of utopian and dystopian soothsayers; with an almost certain probability that neither of their deterministic predictions will completely come to fruition in the future. more

Simplifying Legalese

I attended a conference last week on Data Protection and one of the prime issues that cropped was that on the immanent complexity of legalese that prevents users from understanding the Terms & Conditions for which they're signing up when they join a social network, use an app or visit a website. This led to the Users being disinterested in understanding the T&Cs. This had a huge impact on Data Protection Policies since Users were ignorant about how their data was being used... more

Topic Interests

LawPolicy & RegulationBrand ProtectionPrivacyInternet GovernanceCloud ComputingInternet of Things

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Active and Passive Internet of Things

Simplifying Legalese