Anne-Marie Eklund Löwinder

Anne-Marie Eklund Löwinder

Head of Security at .SE
Joined on March 18, 2015
Total Post Views: 20,725


Anne-Marie Eklund Löwinder is Head of Security at .SE. She has been ranked as one of Sweden’s foremost experts on IT security by the magazine Computer Sweden. She is a member of the board of CENTR (an association of internet Country Code Top Level Domain Registries), of IRI (The Swedish Law and Informatics Research Institute), the foundation for Development of Telematiques (TU-stiftelsen) and SNUS (the Swedish Network Users’ Society). She is furthermore a member of the information security council of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) and is one of the handful of individuals assigned as Trusted Community Representative and participates in the DNSSEC key generation for the internet root zone as Crypto Officer, appointed by ICANN (the internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). Since january 2013 she is also a member of the swedish Digitalization Commissions expert group.

Ms. Eklund Löwinder was also a member of the very first groups that helped the Swedish Standards Institute (SIS) and Swedac to develop what now is known as the ISO 27000-standard for information security management. She regularly comments on government proposals regarding internet and security related issues. Among her previous employers are the Swedish Agency for Public Management and the ICT Commission. Ms. Eklund Löwinder holds a degree in systems science from Stockholm University.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Anne-Marie Eklund Löwinder on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


Topic Interests

DNSDNS SecurityCybersecurity

Recent Blogs

Ten Years of Secure DNS at .se! (What We Learned)

Is DNSSEC Worth the Effort?

Popular Posts

Is DNSSEC Worth the Effort?

Ten Years of Secure DNS at .se! (What We Learned)