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Andy Oram

Editor at O'Reilly & Associates
Joined on December 13, 2003
Total Post Views: 27,536


Andy Oram is an editor at O’Reilly & Associates, a highly respected
book publisher and technology information provider. An employee of the
company since 1992, Andy currently specializes in free software and
open source technologies. His work for O’Reilly includes the first
books ever published commercially in the United States on Linux, and
the 2001 title Peer-to-Peer. His modest programming and system
administration skills are mostly self-taught.
Andy is also a member of Computer Professionals for Social
Responsibility and writes often for the O’Reilly Network
( and other publications on policy issues
related to the Internet and on trends affecting technical innovation
and its effects on society. He is also serving on the board of the
Open Government Interoperability Project (, whose
mission is to create and disseminate open source solutions to local
government agencies.
His Web site is He works at the
O’Reilly office in Cambridge, Massachusetts and lives nearby with his
wife, two children, and a six-foot grand piano that can often be heard
late at night.


Topic Interests

DNSIPv6 Transition IPv4 MarketsNew TLDsDomain NamesCensorshipICANNCybersecurity

Recent Blogs

ICANN and Iraq: Suffering Along

When Did We Give Away the Internet?

Popular Posts

When Did We Give Away the Internet?

ICANN and Iraq: Suffering Along