Matt Larson

Matt Larson

Vice President of Research at ICANN
Joined on October 6, 2015
Total Post Views: 17,165


Matt joined ICANN staff in May, 2016, as VP of Research in the Office of the CTO. Prior to joining ICANN, he was CTO at Dyn, Inc., and spent 13 years at Verisign, finishing his time there as VP of Research and Director of Verisign Labs.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Matt Larson on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

Steering Website Traffic with Managed DNS vs. IP Anycast

I recently read an interesting post on LinkedIn Engineering's blog entitled "TCP over IP Anycast -- Pipe dream or Reality?" The authors describe a project to optimize the performance of The web site is served from multiple web server instances located in LinkedIn's POPs all over the world. Previously LinkedIn used DNS geomapping exclusively to route its users to the best web server instance, but the post describes how they tried using BGP routing instead. more

The Growth of DNS-OARC Highlights Great Strides in DNS Research

This past weekend several of my Dyn colleagues and I attended the DNS-OARC annual meeting and fall workshop in Montreal. "OARC" in the organization's title stands for "Operations, Analysis and Research Center". DNS-OARC was founded by the Internet Systems Consortium (best known as the maintainers of the BIND DNS software) in 2004 to address a gap in the DNS community. Engineers working to extend the DNS protocol itself have always had a home in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), but there was no corresponding community for those who operated DNS infrastructure and did research using data gleaned from DNS operations. more

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Steering Website Traffic with Managed DNS vs. IP Anycast

The Growth of DNS-OARC Highlights Great Strides in DNS Research