Andrew Puddephatt

Andrew Puddephatt

Executive Director at Global Partners Digital
Joined on February 11, 2016
Total Post Views: 23,700


Andrew is a recognised international expert on internet policy issues, including freedom of expression, privacy and security. He has worked in the field of human rights for over twenty years and has been an expert advisor to international organisations such as the Council of Europe, Commonwealth, UNDP and UNESCO as well as national governments. He has published widely on different aspects of internet policy, freedom of expression and privacy; has written guides on assessing the impact of development programmes on human rights policy for UNDP and UNESCO, and made strategic assessments of future trends for European governments. He is a management board member of the European Council on Foreign Relations; Deputy Chair of the Sigrid Rausing Trust; Chair of the charity Global Dialogue and chair of International Media Support in Denmark.

Areas of interest: human rights and free expression standards and enforcement on and offline; internet governance; political economy analysis; approaches to assessment and evaluation.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Andrew Puddephatt on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

Just Another ‘Black Box’? First Thoughts on Twitter’s Trust and Safety Council

On Tuesday, Twitter announced the creation of the Trust and Safety Council, a body comprising 40 organisations and individuals from civil society and academia, tasked with "ensur[ing] that people feel safe expressing themselves on Twitter". The move is clearly a response to specific criticism of Twitter and its perceived inadequacies in dealing with hate speech?-- a theme so popular and well-trodden that it recently spawned a parody account. more

Topic Interests

CensorshipPolicy & RegulationInternet GovernanceWeb

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