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Fernando Patel

Registry Liaison
Joined on March 8, 2016
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GDN Registry is the operator for the new gTLD .GDN (Global Domain Name), a pure generic extension similar as .com, .net or .org for established brands.

Improving brand visibility and user experience is vital for the success of any online business. An exclusive .GDN domain offers brands - large or small - an additional avenue of marketing their products and services to their targeted market via custom domain names that best reflect the nature of the brand.

Exclusive .GDN extensions are an effective marketing solution for any size company - from small businesses to large corporations, and individuals to groups.

With, literally, thousands of customizable .GDN domain names available, it’s easy to find one that perfectly complements your brand and the current domain extensions you’re already using. Reserve your exclusive .GDN domain today!

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Fernando Patel on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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