Francisco Viana

Francisco Viana

Product Manager at Incognito Software
Joined on March 29, 2016
Total Post Views: 19,085


With 15 years in the telecommunications and cable industry, Francisco Viano has a keen understanding of MSO solution requirements. Throughout the years he has helped multiple operators reach their business goals by understanding the uniqueness of their business and the application of technology to solve distinctive problems.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Francisco Viana on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

How Can You Make More Accurate Capacity Planning Decisions?

Cable operators face a big challenge today as data utilization continues to increase on their networks. Keeping up with the demand for high quality services while upgrading network infrastructure seems to be a never-ending task. Many times, network upgrades are done without much help from tools and systems, leaving it mostly based on experience and performance indicators defined by the operator. Unfortunately, this is the reality for far too many service providers today. more

Why Understanding Bandwidth is Essential for Improving Subscriber QoE

Measuring and managing subscriber bandwidth can be an easy and cost-efficient way to improve subscriber quality of experience (QoE). In a HFC cable network, bandwidth is shared among users in the same fiber-node. Even though improvements in DOCSIS technology has allowed a substantial increase of bandwidth availability per fiber-node, a few heavy users - as well as new 4K video content - can quickly kill recently-made network investments and leave subscribers with an impression that they are not receiving the quality they deserve. more

Topic Interests

BroadbandIPTVAccess ProvidersNetworks

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