Jeff Becker

Jeff Becker

Director of Marketing at ATI
Joined on September 28, 2016
Total Post Views: 4,912


Jeff Becker is Director of Marketing at ATI, a telecom consulting organization that specializes in business phone communication solutions. Becker manages the interaction and communication with ATI’s clients and vendors.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Jeff Becker on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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Making the Most of the Cloud: Four Top Tips

Cloud computing is on the rise. International Data Corp. predicts a $195 billion future for public cloud services in just four years. That total is for worldwide spending in 2020 - more than twice the projection for 2016 spending ($96.5 billion). As a result, companies are flocking to both large-scale and niche providers to empower cloud adoption and increase IT efficacy. The problem? Without proper management and oversight, cloud solutions can end up underperforming, hampering IT growth or limiting ROI. more

Topic Interests

Cloud Computing

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Making the Most of the Cloud: Four Top Tips