Bastian Bergmann

Bastian Bergmann

Joined on August 24, 2017
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At WATTx, we’re focused on shaping new and rapidly evolving industries. We do this as a venture builder, creating deep tech companies that solve industrial and consumer problems with a user-centric approach. Our team conducts focused research, triggering informed solutions that we take from concept to prototype, from pilot to company formation in under six months.

We believe this environment will realize the next generation of hardware and deep tech development - by providing the knowledge, capital, and network build-up these technologies need to be successful.

Check out our ventures: Snuk (, Statice (, Ophi (, Loopstock (

As the founder and CEO of WATTx, I was responsible for creating the concept of WATTx, building the team, and making Europe’s deep tech company builder a reality. Now, I help our 25+ person strong team to ideate and to build prototypes that will shape traditional industries on the back of deep tech.

Previously at BCG, I was a consultant focused on corporate strategy, marketing strategy, business model innovation, and transformation and split 3 years between Hamburg and New York.

Born and raised in the Ruhr Valley, the heart of Germany’s industrial ascent, I left for the United States at the age of 16 and never looked back. I’m a globetrotting enthusiast with a deep passion for life and its many facets. I’m fascinated by entrepreneurial spirits, technological innovation, and bold mindsets believing in the ability to shape the world.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Bastian Bergmann on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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