Mark Datysgeld

Mark Datysgeld

GNSO Councilor at ICANN
Joined on June 18, 2018
Total Post Views: 168,951


BA and Master in International Relations, focused on Internet Governance and the impacts of technology on public and private policymaking. He is a member of the ICANN GNSO Council. Under the Governance Primer brand, he consults for businesses and individuals in their participation in international institutions that relate to technology. Mark is a lecturer and course developer, also supporting programs that increase the participation and inclusion of youth in international arenas. He has previous professional experience of several years, and at times still acts, in coding and multimedia development.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Mark Datysgeld on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2023 - Oct 24 on In Search of an Agenda for a New Netmundial
2023 - Aug 19 on The Internet Archive Hops Out of the Copyright Frying Pan Into a New and Different Fire
2023 - Jul 07 on A Netmundial+10 Could Help Redefine Pathways for Internet Governance in the Global South
2023 - May 15 on AI Has No Time for "Human" Rights
2023 - May 10 on In AI, We Trust!?
2023 - Jan 03 on ICANN's Changing of the Guard – Part 1
2022 - Dec 10 on The Technical Problems of the UN's Internet Governance Forum Will Not Simply Solve Themselves
2022 - Nov 19 on Achieving Multi-Stakeholder Progress on DNS Abuse
2022 - Jan 28 on Why 'Open' May Become the Keyword of the Digital World in 2022?
2021 - Nov 24 on Potential Impacts of Large-Scale Metaverses on Internet Governance: Bandwidth
2021 - Nov 16 on Remembering the Cybersecurity Treaty That Never Happened
2021 - Nov 08 on Potential Impacts of Large-Scale Metaverses on Internet Governance: Bandwidth
2021 - Jul 20 on The State of the Internet During the Anti-Government Protests in Cuba
2021 - Mar 19 on Multistakeholderism Is Working: A Short Series of Articles
2020 - Dec 06 on Internet Governance and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Part 6: Articles 18-19
2020 - Dec 06 on An Innovative Framework That Will Help the IoT Industry Scale Into the Billions
2020 - Nov 24 on ICANN Should Keep Content Regulation and Other Arbitrary Rules Out of Registry Contracts
2020 - Oct 12 on Internet Bifurcation: Will the US-China Digital Arm-Twisting Splinter the Open and Free Internet?
2020 - Oct 06 on Is Laser Going to Be the Next Telecoms Frontier?
2020 - Sep 28 on The Pay-To-Play Reality of ICANN's Inclusion Illusion
2020 - Sep 04 on Is There Such a Thing as Technical Internet Governance?
2020 - Sep 04 on Is There Such a Thing as Technical Internet Governance?
2020 - Sep 03 on Is There Such a Thing as Technical Internet Governance?
2020 - Aug 22 on Why Platform Regulation Concerns ICANN

Topic Interests

DNSPolicy & RegulationInternet GovernanceICANNDomain NamesCybersecurityCybercrimeCoronavirusLawWebMalwareNew TLDsMultilinguismEmailBroadbandWirelessMobile InternetTelecomNetworksGamingCensorshipBlockchainArtificial IntelligenceRegional RegistriesAccess ProvidersRegistry ServicesInternet of ThingsPrivacyDomain ManagementBrand ProtectionUDRPDNS Security

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