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Zaid AlBanna

Senior Research Engineer at Verisign
Joined on August 12, 2020
Total Post Views: 7,299


Zaid AlBanna serves as a senior research engineer on the industry standards and technology team within the chief technology officer organization. Since joining Verisign in 2020, he has been focused on Internet Protocol (IP) standards development. Prior to joining Verisign, he worked for telecommunications providers and manufacturers on a variety of networking-related projects in the areas of design, quality assurance, and operations of distributed systems, IP transport protocols, and gigabit networking. He is also a contributing member of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

Zaid holds a Master of Science degree from Iowa State University in electrical engineering.


Topic Interests

DNSDNS SecurityCybersecurity

Recent Blogs

Minimized DNS Resolution: Into the Penumbra

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Minimized DNS Resolution: Into the Penumbra