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Paul Alan Levy

Joined on March 9, 2004
Total Post Views: 103,633


Attorney, Public Citizen Litigation Group, specializing in rank-and-file labor law and free speech on the internet. Argued scores of cases in United States Court of appeals (three en banc). Argued four cases in Supreme Court of the United States, wrote briefs for parties in several other cases (1977 to present).

Featured Blogs

Jerry Falwell Critic Can Keep Domain Name, Appeals Court Says

I want to call your attention to a very important Internet free speech decision, perhaps the most significant of our domain name cases from the past several years. In Lamparello v. Falwell, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit held today that the use of the domain name for a web site devoted to denouncing the views of Rev. Jerry Falwell about homosexuality neither infringes Falwell's trademark in his name nor constitutes "cybersquatting." more

Non-Commercial Website Domain Names Using Trademarks

There are now several different courts of appeals that have upheld the right of individuals to post a non-commercial website using the domain name, and there are as yet NO appellate decisions that forbid such websites outside the context of the serial cybersquatter who tries to erect a so-called gripe site as a CYA measure after being sued. In fact, it seems to me that we are getting close to the point where companies that sue over such websites have to consider seriously the possibility that they will not only lose the suit, but face a malicious prosecution action... more

Another Good Decision on Internet “Gripe Sites”

I want to call your attention to another court decision that upholds the right of a consumer to create a non-commercial web site criticizing a company, using the company's name as the domain name. Lucas Nursery and Landscaping v. Grosse, 2004 WL 403213 (6th Circuit March 5, 2004). This case involves Lucas Nursery, a landscaping company in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan, which apparently botched work done for Michelle Gross - or at least that was her opinion. But, when she established a web site to tell her story, Lucas sued her under the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act ("ACPA")... more

Topic Interests

DNSDomain NamesDomain ManagementCybercrime

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Non-Commercial Website Domain Names Using Trademarks

Jerry Falwell Critic Can Keep Domain Name, Appeals Court Says

Another Good Decision on Internet “Gripe Sites”