Joanna Kulesza

Joanna Kulesza

Joined on March 28, 2022
Total Post Views: 5,876


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Facing the Future of ICANN’s Volunteer Recruitment

The musings of one volunteer summarize the problem: "As a newcomer to ICANN, I was always frustrated by the fact that I could never get a straight answer to the question 'How much time does it take?' There was always an awkward silence, a vaguely worded response. Now, years later, I know that no one in their right mind would sign up knowingly for the long hours and late shifts required to be a full participant in this game. It is a groundbreaking project that really matters. But you will get a lot more recognition and immediate satisfaction for volunteering far fewer hours at your local food bank." more

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Internet GovernanceICANN

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Facing the Future of ICANN’s Volunteer Recruitment