Heather Forrest

Heather Forrest

Head of Legal at Com Laude
Joined on June 12, 2023
Total Post Views: 9,964


A highly accomplished and recognised leader in the domain name & IP sphere, Heather has over 20 years of expertise in the sector. A well-known face in the ICANN community, from 2017-18 Heather was the first female to chair ICANN’s generic Top-Level Domain policy development body, the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) as the first Non-Contracted Parties House GNSO Chair.

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How to Protect Your Brand in Web3

In 2014, computer scientist Gavin Wood coined the term "Web 3.0." The phrase, which has now been shortened to "Web3", refers to the third generation of the internet that's designed to be truly decentralised and free from a central authority. Web3 has the potential to add real-world value for businesses by creating additional avenues to reach consumers. However, owing to its less regulated nature, brands also have the potential to be taken advantage of both by users and by the providers in the space. more

Topic Interests

Domain NamesDomain ManagementBrand ProtectionBlockchain

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How to Protect Your Brand in Web3