Thobias Moura

Thobias Moura

PhD Student (Law and Security) and Researcher at WhatNext.Law
Joined on July 8, 2023
Total Post Views: 14,778


Lawyer and PhD Candidate in Law & Security at Nova University of Lisbon. Currently, he is a Researcher at WhatNext.Law and the Human Rights Laboratory at the Federal University of Uberlândia. He is also a member of ISOC - Brazil Chapter. He was the Local Coordinator of the Internet Forum in Brazil - Uberlândia in 2023.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Thobias Moura on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2023 - Aug 09 on The Times Stand Still: Internet Shutdowns, the Irony of the Multistakeholder Process and Realpolitik