Pat Kane

Pat Kane

Senior Vice President, Naming and Registry Services at Verisign
Joined on August 13, 2024
Total Post Views: 9,622


As senior vice president of Verisign’s naming and registry services, Pat Kane is responsible for the policy and operational management of all top-level domains operated by Verisign, including .com and .net, as well as the development of additional tools and services created to support Verisign’s channel partners. Pat has been instrumental in the development and deployment of internationalized domain names at Verisign.

Pat joined Verisign in 1999 and has held several leadership positions during his tenure at the company. Previously, he was a senior principal with American Management Systems, where he deployed tax fraud identification systems for state and local governments. Prior to AMS, Pat spent 15 years with Electronic Data Systems as an account manager, systems engineering manager, and systems engineer, where he managed outsourced information technology engagements in the oil, chemical, and healthcare services industries, as well as federal, state, and local governments.

Pat holds a Bachelor of Science in architectural engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.


2024 - Aug 16 on Setting the Record Straight - Myths vs. Facts about .com

Topic Interests

Domain NamesRegistry Services

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Setting the Record Straight - Myths vs. Facts about .com