Wang Liang

Wang Liang

Joined on May 12, 2004
Total Post Views: 19,995


Currently, Ph.D in informatics school at Huazhong university of science and technology (HUST).One of main directors of HUST digital library project, which is supported by CALIS (China Academic Library & Information System) and national “211” project.

Featured Blogs

Will DNS Rescue the Future of Search?

Researchers from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China have started work on a project based on a distributed information retrieval system that promises to address future search engine scalability issues that are believed to be inevitable as the Internet continues to expand: "With the rapid increase of web pages, the coverage of search engines will become poorer and the update intervals will be much longer. If the current architecture of search engines is still in use, it will be an impossible mission to find the precise and comprehensive information in the future. This problem will be more serious when IPv6 technology is widely implemented in communication networks. The problem of 'Too much information means no information' may become a disaster with information explosion." more

Topic Interests

DNSIPv6 TransitionDomain NamesWeb

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Will DNS Rescue the Future of Search?