Internet of Things

Internet of Things / Most Viewed

Cyber-Terrorism Rising, Existing Cyber-Security Strategies Failing, What Are Decision Makers to Do?

While conventional cyber attacks are evolving at breakneck speed, the world is witnessing the rise of a new generation of political, ideological, religious, terror and destruction motivated "Poli-Cyber™" threats. These are attacks perpetrated or inspired by extremists' groups such as ISIS/Daesh, rogue states, national intelligence services and their proxies. They are breaching organizations and governments daily, and no one is immune. more

Internet Society Announces New Partnership with Consumers International

The Internet Society today announced a new working partnership with Consumers International, the membership organization for consumer groups around the world. more

A Look at DNS Trends and What the Future May Hold

We used to think of computer networks as being constructed using two fundamental common infrastructure components: names and addresses. Every connected device had a stable protocol address to allow all other devices to initiate a communication transaction with this device by addressing a data packet to this protocol address. And every device was also associated with a name, allowing human users and human use applications to use a more convenient alias for these protocol addresses. more

The Internet as a Public Good

It is time to recognize the Internet as a public good - freely available like other basic infrastructures such as roads and sidewalks. In 1989 Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web by taking advantage of open connectivity available among universities and research institutions. Today we see that same open connectivity within corporations, in our homes, and on university campuses. more

Digital Economy + Sharing Economy = Networked Economy

A great deal of discussion is taking place about topics such as the digital economy, sharing economy and networked economy. Obviously these are concepts rather than being well-defined, but they are being used by the various players in the market to argue for or against certain developments. For example, in some of the broadband debates around the world, the digital economy is the key reason why national broadband infrastructure gets developed. more

FTC Announces Internet of Things Challenge, Offers $25,000 for Best Technical Solution

The Federal Trade Commission is challenging the public to create an innovative tool to help protect consumers from security vulnerabilities in the software of home devices connected to the Internet of Things. more

U.S. Senators to Introduce IoT Security Bill

U.S. senators on Tuesday announced plans to introduce legislation seeking to address vulnerabilities in IoT devices. more

U.S. Department of Commerce Issues IoT Advancement Guidelines

The Department of Commerce issues a green paper outlining guiding principles and ways to support the advancement of the Internet of Things (IoT). more

IoT Developments: NIST Issues Tech Guidance while NTIA Seeks Broad Input, Global Efforts Percolate

As the federal government grapples with Internet-connected devices and applications that make up the Internet of Things (IoT), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is forging ahead to provide "technical leadership" for "the operation, trustworthiness, and lifecycle of IoT". Such efforts complement - and contrast - recent policy efforts at the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and elsewhere to promote IoT innovation while addressing security, privacy, and interoperability.  more

UK Government Planning on New Laws for IoT Devices Including a Mandatory Security Labelling Scheme

The UK government on Wednesday announced plans to introduce new laws for internet connected devices to better enforce the inclusion of basic cybersecurity features into IoT devices. more

Transformation - the Real Business Case for NFV and SDN

2016 has seen a steady flow of announcements on successful Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) Proof-of-Concept deployments, mostly focused on virtualizing Customer Premise Equipment (vCPE). This has been a relatively straight forward starting point because unlike many other NFV applications, the vCPE use case does not involve complex activities like having to scale in or out individual services. more

Big Data Stress? Go Zen With These 5 Technologies

The promise of "big data" -- real-time insights, predictive analytics and a better understanding of customer behaviors -- has many companies jumping into this near-bottomless information pool with both feet. But the sheer volume of data can cause serious stress for IT professionals trying to balance C-suite expectations, legacy tech limitations and corporate workloads. What's more, the data market is rapidly evolving. more

Data Growth, IoT Will Lead to Unlimited Energy Consumption If Not Controlled, Scientists Warn

Researchers from Lancaster University's School of Computing and Communications have warned that the rapid growth of remote digital sensors and devices connected to the internet -- Internet of Things -- has the potential to bring unprecedented and, in principle, almost unlimited rises in energy consumed by smart technologies. more

DNS and the Internet of Things: Opportunities, Risks, and Challenges

The ICANN Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) has recently published SAC105, a report on the interplay between the DNS and the Internet of Things (IoT). Unlike typical SSAC publications, SAC105 does not provide particular recommendations to the ICANN Board, but instead is informative in nature and intends to trigger and facilitate dialogue in the broader ICANN community. more

The IoT Cyber Seal Fog

For four days in Southern France, cybersecurity experts from a broad array of different countries and sectors gathered for the annual ETSI Security Conference. The event undertaken by one of the world's major industry information-communication (ICT) standards organisations was intended to take stock of the state of cybersecurity and trends. more