IPv6 Transition

IPv6 Transition / Most Viewed

No Summer Break for IPv6

In India we saw the Department of Telecommunications take action. Late July the Telecom Engineering Centre organized a seminar where the recommendations for IPv4 to IPv6 transition put forward by the regulator (TRAI) were adopted. The highlights of the plan reflect a traditional Indian non aggressive but nonetheless forceful persuasion. more

ARIN and Antigua & Barbuda Government to Hold Workshop on Internet Resilience

The American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) is collaborating with the government of Antigua and Barbuda to strengthen the technical capacity of local network operators. ARIN is one of five registries responsible for coordinating Internet number resources worldwide. Its service area includes Canada, the United States, and several Caribbean countries. The collaboration with the Antigua and Barbuda government comes as part of a broader thrust by ARIN to support the development of the Internet across the region. more

The IPv4 Market - Looking Back and Forward

In September 2015, the free pool of IPv4 numbers available through the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) ran dry. In 2016, the IPv4 market was the only reliable source of IPv4 numbers, globally, and the pattern of activity changed dramatically. So far in 2017, we have seen the trends in the last half of 2016 continue. Throughout 2015, IPv4 transactions were trending steadily upward and the volume of transferred numbers had reached an all time high... more

IPv4 Market and IPv6 Deployment

IPv4.Global's Lee Howard will be a panelist at the Internet Governance Forum's session, "IGF 2020 WS #327 Believe it or not, the Internet Protocol is on Sale!" Preparing for this session has provided an opportunity to research how the IPv4 address market has affected the deployment of IPv6. There are a few spikes where a large number of addresses was transferred in a single transaction, most recently from APIDT.org. more

IPv6 is Growing in Maturity, but Not Necessarily in Adoption

According to Google native IPv6 penetration has structurally crossed the 0.2% mark as a percentage of total traffic on the Internet in early 2011. This may not seem much, but it has doubled in a year, in an Internet that is still growing exponentially. more

Researchers Develop Tools to Help Map the IPv6 Address Landscape

While there are now billions of IPv6 addresses that could be active at any given time, there are no precise estimates as to how many or where they are. more

IPv6 and MEID’s… Stop Choking on 32 Bits

Both the Internet and North American cellphones are choking under a 32 bit limitation and reactions from protagonists involved in both cases offer striking similarities. 1983 saw the debut of IPv4 and North American mobile telephony started in earnest with Bell's analog AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone Service). Responding to the need to uniquely identify the growing number of mobile devices in order to bill their owner, the FCC ordered that handsets be equipped with a unique identification number embedded on a chip. This became the 32 bit ESN... more

IPv6 and Prepaid Electricity

When visiting a friend in the UK in my student days some decades ago, he asked me at one point in time if I had some coins to keep the electricity meter going. This was the first and last time I saw a coin activated electricity meter. In my mind, prepaid electricity now essentially belonged to a distant past when Scrooge like landlords would make sure renters did not disappear without paying their electricity bills. more

The Christmas Goat and IPv6 (Year 9)

Here we are with the ninth year of measuring IPv6 on the Christmas Goat. Last year we had almost no snow and it's almost the same this year. This year I give you 50 seconds of "action" film with the goat from the early in December. But the measurement was a big disappointment. They started high with 60% IPv6 and went down to 41% at the end. But as can be seen with the progress, next year we should easily break the 50% barrier! more

Thoughts on the Open Internet - Part 6: Final Thoughts

Today we just don't have an "Open" Internet. The massive proliferation of network-based middleware has resulted in an internet that has few remaining open apertures. Most of the time the packet you send is not precisely the packet I receive, and all too often if you deviate from a very narrowly set of technical constraints within this packet, then the packet you send is the packet I will never receive. more

2nd Annual RIPE NCC - LEA meeting: Cooperation Unfolds

On Wednesday 16 March the Serious Organised Crime Agency organised a meeting in London with the RIPE NCC. For the second time law enforcers from the whole world met with the RIPE NCC and RIPE community representatives to discuss cooperation. RIPE NCC staged several very interesting presentations that showed the LEAs the importance of the work done within RIPE and ARIN, the information RIPE NCC has and the relevance of all this to LEAs. Also issues were addressed that can potentially be harmful to future investigations. more

New LIRs and Their IPv6 RIPEness

The RIPE NCC's membership grew steadily over the course of 2012. In Q3, the RIPE NCC received 417 requests to become a Local Internet Registry (LIR); the highest number we have seen so far. This surge in membership growth exceeds the previous record set 12 years ago during the dotcom bubble in 2000. One reason for the surge is probably the anticipation of the last /8 of IPv4 addresses. more

Video: Google’s IPv6 Deployment Strategy

The IPv6 Act Now website, aimed at encouraging the adoption of IPv6, has featured a video today on Google's implementation of IPv6, which resulted in the launch of ipv6.google.com. In this video, Lorenzo Colitti, network engineer at Google, explains the planning, deployment, and future plans for making Google services available over IPv6. The best way to proceed with an IPv6 deployment, Colitti says is "to run everything on the same infrastructure." more

Three Years With ICANN

I joined the ICANN board during the December 2004 ICANN meeting in Cape Town. I served for a three year term and stepped down at this last meeting in Los Angeles and didn't run for another term... Before joining ICANN, I thought that ICANN was the only part of the Internet that wasn't really working. I knew that there must be a better way to do what ICANN does, but I couldn't be bothered to figure it out. I'd agree with people who said things like, "it should just be distributed" or "it should just be first come first serve" or "we should just get rid of it." People from ICANN would say, "it's more complicated than that" or "at this point that would be impossible." After being part of the process for three years, I find myself saying those same things... more

How Complete is the RIPE Routing Registry?

The Internet Routing Registry (IRR) is a globally distributed routing information database. The IRR consists of several databases run by various organisations in which network operators can publish their routing policies and their routing announcements in a way that allows other network operators to make use of the data. In addition to making Internet topology visible, the IRR is used by network operators to look up peering agreements, determine optimal policies and, more recently, to configure their routers. more